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Newsletter - Term 4, Week 6, 2022

Class lists for 2023 have now been finalised and the tamariki will receive their report, stationery list and name of their 2023 kete/whānau teacher on Friday 9th December. These will come home in school bags, so do look out for them.
A reminder that we have 5 kete in the school and 6-year levels, so EVERY child in our kura will spend TWO years in one kete at some stage over the time they are here. If your child is remaining in the same kete next year it DOES NOT mean they are being held back or disadvantaged in any way. For example,
Year 3’s (whether in TKP or TKM) are Year 3’s and they will all participate in all Year 3 events. The same applies at every year level as we have composite year groups in each kete.

The tamariki are aware of this, however we do appreciate parental support in reminding them should there be any confusion/concern.

PLEASE let us know now if your child is NOT returning to Hokowhitu School next year. It is really important that we balance numbers carefully and we rely on your co-operation to be able to do this.

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