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Strategic Plan, Annual Report & Policies

Our Strategic Plan

Our strategic plan sets out how the School Board will meet its primary objectives concerning the New Zealand Curriculum, Te Tiriti o Waitangi, and the needs of all ākonga. Each year we develop an implementation plan that sets targets and actions for working towards our strategic plan.

Our Policies

Our policies provide a framework for the operation of the school. We review all our policies regularly to ensure they are up to date and fit for purpose. 

Our Annual Report

Each year we report on our progress toward our strategic goals, including audited financial statements that show how we have used our funds.

Policies on Curriculum and Teaching

Assessment Policy (2023)

The Hokowhitu School Board will ensure assessment is conducted to monitor student achievement, through gathering regular and reliable information about each student, with the aim of celebrating and improving achievement for all students.

Curriculum Delivery Policy (2024)

Hokowhitu School Board will ensure the school curriculum will comply with the New Zealand Curriculum and the National Education and Learning Priorities, and that the child is at the centre of its implementation, so all students are able to develop their knowledge, abilities, self-esteem, confidence, and independence.

Education Outside the Classroom Policy (2023)

Hokowhitu School Board will ensure that all children are able to make connections between the classroom and real-world experiences through safely participating in well-designed, curriculum-based experiences outside the classroom (EOTC).

Online Safety (2024)

Hokowhitu School Board will foster a culture of safe and responsible digital citizenship in our students and staff through providing access to high quality digital technology and online environments, incorporating their use into teaching and learning contexts, and minimising and managing the challenges that they pose.

Policies on School Culture

Anti-Discrimination Policy (2023)

Hokowhitu School will be a welcoming and safe environment with zero tolerance of discrimination against staff, students, or members of the school community.

Communications Policy (2024)

Hokowhitu School Board will ensure that effective, appropriate, and timely communication will occur between the school and families, whnau, and the wider school community in support of creating a positive learning environment.

Complaints and Concerns Policy (2024)

Hokowhitu School Board will take seriously the complaints and concerns of all staff, parents/caregivers, and students, and take all reasonable steps to respond to them.

Complaints and Concerns Procedures

Guidance for the school community on how to express complaints or concerns.

Healthy Food and Drink Policy (2024)

Hokowhitu School Board will support a school environment that encourages a culture of healthy eating.

International Student Policy (2024)

The Hokowhitu School Board approves the enrolment of international fee-paying students and is committed to supporting their educational and pastoral needs through compliance with the Education (Pastoral Care of International Students) Code of Practice (Code of Practice).

Privacy Policy (2022)

The Hokowhitu School Board will ensure that the school maintains the highest levels of responsibility for the personal information that it collects, holds, and discloses in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act and other relevant legislation.

Treaty of Waitangi Policy (2022)

Māori are the tangata whenua of Aotearoa New Zealand and the language and culture is a living part of New Zealand society and Hokowhitu School.

Policies on Physical Safety

Positive Behaviour Management Policy (2024)

The Hokowhitu School Board will encourage a culture of positive student behaviour to provide a productive learning environment that is physically and emotionally safe for students and staff.

Aramai He Tētēkura: A guide to understanding distress and minimising the use of physical restraint

Child Protection Policy (2023)

Hokowhitu School Board is committed to child protection and the prevention of child abuse and neglect through providing a safe environment for children that is free from all forms of abuse. The safety and wellbeing of children is our primary concern, and the child is at the centre of all decision making when responding to suspected abuse or neglect. Hokowhitu School is committed to the prevention, identification, and reporting of all forms of abuse.

Health and Safety Policy (2023)

The Hokowhitu School Board will provide a safe physical and emotional environment by taking all practicable steps to ensure the safety of students, employees, parents, volunteers, and visitors.

Sun Protection Policy (2023)

Hokowhitu School Board is committed to providing a safe environment for children by promoting sun protection behaviour, providing protected outdoor areas, fostering sun protection practices, and planning of curriculum delivery.

Policies on Staff and Employment

Appointments Policy (2022)

Hokowhitu School will ensure that the best applicants are appointed through a fair and rigorous appointment process.

Classroom Release Time Policy (2024)

The Hokowhitu School Board will ensure that classroom release time (CRT) is allocated in a fair, equitable, and flexible manner to address teacher workload and meet the school’s strategic goals for student learning.

Discretionary Leave Policy (2023)

Hokowhitu School Board will be a fair and equitable employer in the provision of discretionary leave.

Equal Employment Opportunities Policy (2023)

The Hokowhitu School Board will ensure that all current and prospective employees are treated fairly
and properly in all aspects of their employment by ensuring equal access to employment
opportunities (EEO).

Principal Professional Growth Cycle Policy (2024)

The Hokowhitu School Board will support the Principal to establish and participate in an annual cycle of professional growth (PGC), in order to support and develop their role as the school’s “leader of learning.”

Recognition of Service Policy (2024)

The Hokowhitu School Board will ensure that staff who leave the school are appropriately recognised for their service.

Teaching Staff Professional Growth Cycle Policy (2023)

The Hokowhitu School Board will ensure that there is a common understanding of the Standards for the Teaching Profession at Hokowhitu School that provides the basis for all teaching staff to participate in an annual cycle of professional growth, in order to enhance the development of staff and contribute to ongoing school improvement and learner outcomes.

Policies on Assets and Governance

Delegations Policy (2024)

The Hokowhitu School Board will ensure that any delegations of functions of the Board are clearly identified and monitored, and that all holders of delegations are accountable for the responsibilities entrusted to them.

Financial Policy (2022)

Hokowhitu School maintains a high level of accountability over the assets and liabilities of the school to maximise resources and learning opportunities.

Property Policy (2024)

The Hokowhitu School Board will ensure that the school property is well-maintained, safe, and functional to provide the best possible environment for student learning.

Self-Review Policy (2023)

Hokowhitu School will engage in a continuous and documented programme of self-review for all aspects of the school, including in governance, management, curriculum delivery, and assessment.

Board Responsibilities and Conduct Policy (2024)

Hokowhitu School Board members will act in an ethical and respectful manner, and in accordance with their legislative responsibilities.