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Inquiry Learning

Primary education must lay the foundations for our students so they can confidently face the future challenges of being citizens and workers. To be prepared for that future, students need to be:

Highly competent readers, writers, and speakers
Very competent mathematicians
Creative, imaginative, and original thinkers
Able to learn for themselves

To develop children’s abilities to learn for themselves, we provide “Inquiry Learning” opportunities that build on their natural curiosity and creativity. Our Inquiry Learning is concept driven and based on authentic learning experiences. Learners are "hooked in" with the "big idea" through questions, issues or problems that relate to their world.


We use our STRIVE guidelines to develop the key competencies identified in the New Zealand Curriculum:
  • Step Up and Be the Best You Can Be - Manawanui

    "I am keen to learn"
    "I have a can-do attitude"
    "I can set my own goals"
    "I can make a plan to help with my learning"
    "I set myself high standards"

    Key Competency: Managing Self
  • Try New Things and Persevere - Kia Kaha

    "I love challenges"
    "I try to lead others and show the way"
    "I search for people I can follow to be an even better learner"
    "I can learn by working hard on my own"

    Key Competency: Managing Self
  • Respect - Ngā Whakaute

    "I share my ideas"
    "I ask others to join in with my learning"
    "I talk about my learning"
    "I include others"

    Key Competency: Participating & Contributing
  • Investigate, Wonder & Learn - Whakataki

    "I think creatively"
    "I think about all the possibilities"
    "I show my thinking using language and symbols"
    "I share my thinking and learning in words and numbers"

    Key Competency: Thinking
  • Value Others - Atawhai

    "I wait my turn"
    "I share with others"
    "I ask others opinions"

    Key Competency: Thinking
  • Enthusiastically Live by Our Virtues - Ngā Whakapuke

    "I try new things"
    "I show happiness and positivity"

    Key Competency: Thinking