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Newsletter - Term 2, Week 8, 2024

Our kapa haka roopu performed superbly at Te Pae Tamariki earlier this week. We have had very positive feedback about many aspects of the day. Firstly, the very high standard of the performance, but also the respectful manner in which our tamariki behaved both in the theatre and outside with an unexpected evacuation. Tino pai!

Once again, I extend my HUGE thanks to Mrs Blay and Mr Masoe who, along with the ākonga, have put in the hard mahi!

I also extend my thanks to the wider whānau for the support you have shown in assisting with the preparation for this.

This is an example of us working within both our second and fourth strategic goals:

- Increasing ākonga and kaiako knowledge of and engagement with te ao Māori

- Enhancing ākonga wellbeing by encouraging participation in physical activity and performance arts

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