At our meeting this week, the Board started to unpack the responses received in our recent community consultation. Over the coming weeks I will share responses to specific questions - so everyone can see what most people thought.
Our current mission statement as guiding philosophy for our school is ‘Torongia ki ti kihi ō te maunga - striving to get to the top of the mountain’. 75% of ALL respondents thought it appropriate or highly appropriate and 9% thought it inappropriate. The remainder were neutral. Our Māori whānau responded similarly with 75% thinking it appropriate or highly appropriate and 11% thinking it inappropriate.
In response to ‘how appropriate do you feel our current ‘STRIVE’ values are for shaping our school community?’ 86% of ALL respondents thought them either appropriate or highly appropriate, 10% thought them inappropriate and the remainder were neutral. Our Māori whānau responded similarly with 85% of responses rating them appropriate or highly appropriate, and 11% inappropriate.
These responses give us a clear direction to continue developing and fostering these values and statements. Thank you. Next week I will share some more results with you.