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Newsletter - Term 4, Week 7, 2023

Hooray! The school pool is balanced and ready for swimming. Thanks to our solar heating system and pool covers we are able to maintain much warmer temperatures than the ‘old days’ when we simply had to rely on sunshine. Swimming is part of the NZ curriculum. As NZ is a country surrounded by water, being able to swim is a vital survival skill to have. We urge you to support us with this potentially lifesaving skill by ensuring the children understand we expect them to learn to swim.
Please send the tamariki to school daily with their togs, towel (and goggles if you have them) in a waterproof bag.
We strongly encourage rash tops (or sun safe togs) to limit the effect of sunburn.

Please be assured that the kaiako (teachers) WILL NOT take the tamariki swimming when the weather is unsuitable. Neither will they insist that a child stays in the water if they are feeling cold.

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